Here's How You Can Create a Unique Name for Your Online Business

For some reason, naming your business can be both be a delight and a dread. On one end the endless possibilities give you the flexibility to be creative, on the other, you realize there can be limitations to your choices because turns out, there is another business that got the name you wanted.  

After all, with more than a million small and big businesses in the country, it can feel everyone has taken the name you’ve thought of. Here is when we come into the picture to help you get out of the black hole you have sunk yourself in after making various business name combinations.

Hopefully, after reading this guide, you’ll have a workable list of business names you can try. 

Online Business Name Ideas 

Be concise.

Being concise does not mean boring. It may be tempting to be so out of the box that it comes across as confusing than entertaining. Remember that your name will embody how people will perceive the business. Let people be curious, but not confused. You want your brand to be the first thing they remember when they think of the product or service they offer.  

On a more practical note, when you register the name for social media accounts, the username you use for the business would be less wordy too. It’s a win-win situation both for creative and technical reasons.

Do wordplay.

Now that you know you have to be concise, you can combine words into a single one to get your message across better. This way, you can get the attention of your audience faster. Think of “Band-Aid”. There are almost no questions asked needed on what the product is meant to be. The two words combined brought forth the idea that it aims to be the product you need when you need to stitch things together.  

This can also be a fun and funny way to be memorable to the market. Just think of all the milk tea shops that have popped up in the country. From “Serenitea” to “Maarte Tea”, shop owners knew what they were doing when they did those wordplays. 

Try names.

Now that we’re onto names, you can try making a catchy brand name out of your name, too. Think of how Filipino retail company Bench came out of its founder’s name: Ben Chan. Bench has never sold a chair, or a bench, for that matter, yet it sticks.

Furniture store IKEA for example, is actually an acronym. The first two letters stand for the founder’s name, Ingvar Kamprad. EA, stand for his hometown, Elmtaryd, Agunnaryd. It’s a good homage to the founder’s humble beginnings. 

Just don’t make it too elaborate that it becomes too hard to pronounce.  

Do phrases.

If you’re having a hard time with wordplay, try short phrases instead. “Art in the Park”, the yearly art fair held in Salcedo Park in Makati City, is a good example of how a short phrase can capture the essence of the business.  

“Fitness First”, the gym chain, evokes the service it offers by the brand itself that it does not even need an introduction. What makes it a smart choice is that it also has a chance to expand to other than being a gym chain, as it can easily be a name for a line of gym goods, clothing, or even healthy food.

Make it meaningful. 

Just because it’s a fun combination of words though, does not always mean it’s the right fit for the business. Remember that the funny milk tea shop names work because, in the end, the market knows the shop is selling teas. The laundry shop “Lavandera Ko” for example, gives people the idea outright what its service is.  

Still, meaningful does not always mean being literal. Brand names can be meaningful in a way that they can tell the story behind the business.

Take inspiration from literature.

Did you know that the name of Starbucks came from the classic American novel, Moby Dick? Starbuck is the name of the first mate aboard the ship Pequod on Moby Dick, and is known to be the voice of reason among the characters. Starbuck’s founder thought of giving a hat tip to the ocean by taking inspiration from a novel that largely happens in the body of water as the cafe started in the coastal state of Seattle.

So why not pick up a book, or even watch a movie, you never know when inspiration strikes.

Stick to the theme.

If you just want something straightforward for the business though, just stick to the theme of your industry. List all of the words associated with your business and a combination out of them can bring out some good ones that can make your heart sing. Grocery app “MetroMart” for example, is just a combination of two words associated with retail delivery.


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Source: Female Network

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