Janella Salvador Opens up About Getting Liposuction After Pregnancy

In July, Janella Salvador stunned the internet by posting her first set of swimsuit photos after giving birth. The actress updated her followers on the progress of her weight loss journey, sharing she was only a few pounds away from reaching her goal.

Aside from constant workouts and meal plans, Janella has revealed another one of her secrets to slimming down: liposuction. The 23-year-old opened up about the process that led her to getting the procedure in an Instagram post, plus the stunning results to match.

"When I was pregnant with Jude, I promised myself that I would never forget self-care," she wrote. "I said I would take the time to do things that I love. Happy mum, happy family, right? But like many things in this world… it’s easier said than done."

Janella said that despite those plans, she "lost all the remaining 'vanity'" when her son came into her life. "My life revolved around him," shared the actress.

She then revealed that eventually, the sleepless nights and overeating led her to become 40 pounds heavier than her "ideal weight." Janella explained, "I’m not gonna lie, I enjoyed every moment [with Jude] and I still do. But in those first few months, I physically did not feel like myself. I hid behind big coats, robes and loose clothing... I did not like what I saw in the mirror but paid no attention to that.

"Of course, gaining weight is totally normal after giving birth… but there comes a time where you want to be healthy and regain your strength," she continued. "Working in a physical industry that relies so much on looks didn’t help with the pressure either. I knew that eventually, I needed to start working again."

Because she didn't want to go on unhealthy crash diets, Janella considered other options for her postpartum weight loss. This is when Dr. Vicki Belo recommended she undergo liposuction. The new mom shares, "I initially said no. I was afraid. But after many talks and getting assurance from her, I gave in. Best decision ever."

In the post, Janella revealed the results of the successful procedure, coupling it with photos from the past year for comparison.

"I can’t thank [Dr. Belo] and @dochayden enough for helping me jumpstart my journey back to sexy and for giving me back my confidence. I am finally starting to see the woman I want to see in the mirror once again. I also want to give myself a pat on the back for taking initiative to exercise as well," she adds.

Dr. Vicki Belo also left a comment on Janella's post, writing, "You're most welcome JANELLA . It’s so wonderful to see you bloom in your many roles . You are an inspiration to so many people who admire your strength of character. We love JANELLA and will always be here to support you."

The celebrity mom wrapped up her post with an uplifting message to other new mothers dealing with postpartum weight gain. She says, "To all the mamas out there, enjoy every part of your journey and don’t pressure yourself. At the end of the day, what matters most is the health and happiness of your baby. But don’t forget to take steps towards your own happiness."

Right on, Janella!

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Source: Female Network

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