Things to Remember When You're Feeling Lost in Your 30s

There will be days when things just won’t go your way. But when it happens in a row and you start losing the motivation to show up for anything, that’s when you might start thinking that life isn’t taking you where you want to be. 

It’s not just you. Many women tend to feel lost at some points in their lives, particularly in their 30s. But for when it seems like you’re stuck in a rut and don’t know how to get yourself out of it, try to remember the following:

Life isn’t a race.

It’s easy to feel like you’re not moving forward when you compare your progress with that of other people. But the next time you find yourself asking why or how they achieved something you’ve yet to attain for yourself, remember that life isn’t a race. You’re not required to get certain things like a house or an executive position within a specific timeframe, and putting that pressure onto yourself might not do you any good.

Besides, even the smallest step forward is progress. So feel free to take your time and keep moving at your own pace. You’re going to be right where you want to be eventually, as long as you don’t quit.

This could be a sign to make some changes. 

If each day feels like a routine you’re just pushing yourself to go through, you might want to introduce changes into your life. Here’s a quick reminder: Growth and learning won’t just find you where you’re waiting. You have to put yourself out there and try unfamiliar things in order to get new results. Whether it’s signing up for a new workout class or quitting a job you’ve outgrown, one way to move forward is to take that leap.

Maybe life is just taking you somewhere else.

You may not realize it, but it’s likely that you are moving on in life; it’s just not where you expect to be. As you focus on reaching your goals, you might be ignoring other opportunities that are knocking on your door—opportunities that might lead to a different path but one that could make you happy and fulfilled all the same.

Keep an open mind. When life isn’t leading you to where you planned on going, perhaps it’s a sign that you’re better off doing other things. No one gets everything they want out of life, and sometimes, that’s not really a bad thing.


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Source: Female Network

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