Job Hunting? Here Are 6 Things You Should Remove From Your Resume

If you want to improve your chances of getting hired, consider updating your resume. It will give you and your potential employer a clearer picture of how you’re going to fit in the position you’re applying for. With this in mind, you must leave out unnecessary details to give way for the skills and qualifications that will make you a strong candidate. Need editing tips? Here are some of the things you can remove from your resume:

1. Objective

Looking for new career opportunities is already a given when you’re applying for a job. There’s no need to restate it in the objective. Instead, you can replace the objective with a profile summary that highlights what you specialize in.

2. Birthday

The date of your birth isn’t necessary on your resume. The only dates worth including are dates of employment. This way, your potential employer can take a good look at your employment history. Other personal details you can save for later are gender, marital status, and religion. You’ll be able to provide these details when you fill out employee forms.

3. Fluff words

Keep your resume clear and concise. When crafting job descriptions, discuss them in bullet points instead of lengthy paragraphs. Avoid complicated words and be direct to the point. You can filter descriptions by sharing only the tasks and achievements relevant to your next job. Just a reminder, your potential employers might also be going through piles of resumes. Make yours easy to read so you could grab their attention.

4. Photo

Unless you’re applying for a modeling or acting job, you’re not required to attach a photo to your resume. Remember that the focus should be on the skills and experience that would be useful in your new company. Employers also have the responsibility not to hire based on looks to avoid appearance-based discrimination.

5. Hobbies or interests

Your resume is considered a professional document, so best to mention hobbies or interests that are only related to the job you’re applying for. For example, you can include photography or blogging since these can be helpful if you’re aiming for a digital content-related job. It also pays to be honest with your expertise so you don’t give the wrong impression to your employer.

6. Soft skills

Let your work speak for itself. Being a “problem solver” or “detail-oriented” should already reflect in your job description and achievements. You don’t need to overtly mention soft skills in your resume especially if you have proven years of experience.   


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Source: Female Network

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