7 Ways to Be Kinder to Yourself

Raise your hand if you agree: Treating others with kindness can sometimes feel much easier than treating yourself the same way. Even more so now when you’re isolating at home, it’s quite easy to fall into negative thoughts and surrender to unhealthy habits.

But it’s during these times when you’re left to your own company that you must strive to take better care of yourself. After all, if you want others to treat you well, you should lead by example! If you’re finding it extra challenging to treat yourself with the kindness you deserve, here are some reminders that might help.

Give yourself permission to pause. 

It’s so easy to get caught up with work and all of the responsibilities that you have to juggle at home. And while it’s a privilege to be working and hustling these days when so many aren’t, never forget that you’re only human and that you, too, need a break. 

Be intentional in giving yourself time to decompress and relax, whether that means allowing yourself a full hour for lunch or ignoring emails received after work hours. Doing so will not just help you set a clear boundary between your personal and professional life, but it can also prevent burnout, stress, and anxiety.

Acknowledge your achievements.

Do you ever feel like everyone else in your circle is moving up in life while you’re stuck in a rut? It’s easy to think of things this way when you can only rely on social media to keep tabs on your friends. But before you start wondering why everyone else has it better, remember that people only post positive things on their profiles. It’s likely that they’re also dealing with troubles that you don’t know about. 

The next time you’re tempted to compare your life with others, try recalling your own achievements. Even better: List them down so that they feel more tangible. Whether it’s a compliment you received from your boss or a home improvement project that you were successfully able to pull off, acknowledge your hard work and bear in mind that these amazing things wouldn’t have been possible without you. 

Learn to say no.

It can feel uncomfortable to say no, especially if it’s an officemate or someone dear to you who’s asking for a favor. But trust us on this, you’re not doing yourself a favor by saying yes to every request that comes your way. If it’s something that’s beyond your line of work or if it’s something that will end up causing you unnecessary stress, politely beg off and walk away. You don’t have to step up to do everything for everyone, and that’s fine.

Call out the negative voice in your head.

Guilty of always putting yourself down? Perhaps your inner voice is constantly telling you that you’re not good enough or you’re not worthy of something that you want. You’re not alone. Negative self-talk is something that many of us experience on the regular. It’s a poor habit that when indulged can lead to rather unhealthy behavior and mindset.

The next time you find yourself being overly critical of yourself, try to catch yourself during the act. Acknowledge the thought and try to understand what triggered you to think this way. If you’re having difficulty stopping the voice, fight it with positive affirmations. Make a habit of talking to yourself like how a friend would. A friend would never tell you that you’re not worthy of your dreams.

Take better care of your body.

This goes without saying, but being kinder to yourself requires taking care of your body, too. This means quitting unhealthy habits like staying up late or skipping meals. It could also mean making time for light workout sessions or being selective of the products you use to take better care of your health.

The state of your body doesn’t just affect your energy level or resistance to illness; it also affects your mental and emotional constitution. Watching the food you eat, the amount of sleep that you get, and the activities that you subject your body to can work wonders in keeping yourself at your best. If you need an extra dose of help, consider adding oral supplements and vitamins to your daily routine. (Just remember that supplements shouldn't, in any way, replace a healthy diet.) 

TRY: Fortima Vitamin E + VItamin C + Zinc, P350, FORTIMAavailable online

TRY: Soft Gel 400 IU Capsules, MYRA E, available online

Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Asking for help is never a sign of weakness. On the other hand, understanding your limitations and seeking assistance when you need it could be one of the best things you can do for yourself. That said, asking for help from co-workers, delegating house chores to family members, or opening up to friends about your feelings can help take some load off your chest. Reaching out might even improve your connection with the other person.

Likewise, don’t be afraid to seek professional help for mental health concerns. When the negativity starts to disrupt your everyday routine, go ahead and reach out to a doctor. Do it for you.

Treat yourself every now and then.

The last person you should skimp on is yourself. If you can spend money to give family or friends special treats for doing a good job or just to perk them up when they’re feeling down, trust that you can also benefit from the same treatment. Go for that takeout food or shop for a new lipstick just because you feel like it! You’ll be thanking yourself for doing so.


Source: Female Network

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