Sam Pinto on How She Put Up a Beach Resort: 'Puro savings lang'

On September 1, 2021, Sam Pinto gave birth to her and her husband Anthony Semerad’s first child, a girl they’ve named Mia Aya (read here).

But the actress-entrepreneur had her own first “baby” four years prior with the realization of her dream: L'Sirene Boutique Resort. It sits on three hectares of beachfront land in barangay Reserva in the surfing town of Baler, and is bordered by towering coconut trees on each side.

"The land, everything is fully paid. Walang utang, no loan, no nothing," Sam happily tells in an exclusive interview. "Super okay na, may permits na kami, and everything. Daming kailangang papers, eh."

"We’re just chilling and waiting for it to be normal," Sam adds, referring to the COVID-19 pandemic. She goes on to share how her business remained afloat in the midst of travel and leisure restrictions by having two families as guests for six to seven months.

When Sam opened L'Sirene in 2017, she was 27 years old. Now at 31, she tells us how she did it.

Have a strong support system

Sam says it's a blessing to have a supportive family, which is basically her mother and sister: "They really helped me with the resort. Originally, it was just a dream. When I retire, I’d live on a beach and maybe put up a resort. My mom said, ‘Let’s do it.’ You need that support kasi ang hirap."

Save up

"If you want to put a business, make sure na may budget," Sam points out. "Kung walang budget, it’s so hard." She says she was able to raise the funds by saving up her earnings, mostly from TV and advertising work. "Puro savings lang."

Find other ways to earn money

Instead of having her own house, Sam opted to continue living with her mother. She then used her savings in buying properties, and sold them for a good profit. She started with a lot in a Quezon City village as an investment, and next, a condo, until the money "just kept piling up."

Don't spend much

Looking back now, Sam realizes that she "didn’t actually spend much" the whole time she was saving up for her dream resort. "I felt comfortable with what I have. I just want my thing with the business," she avers.

Sam also admits she's "very kuripot" and splurges "only when I feel I deserve this, sige." In buying luxury items, for instance, she goes for the basic and classic designs that don't go out of style.

"Basta may black, white, nude, masaya na ’ko," she reasons. "And ’yan na siya forever. I don’t feel like I need the newest trends. Okay na ’ko basta may classics, I’m good."

With the success of L'Sirene, Sam is inspired to put up another business, this time in partnership with Anthony.  She says it's going to be a wellness spa, which they will build in Calaca town in Batangas.

Read here and here for more business ideas.

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Source: Female Network

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