10 Online Business Ideas That Are Perfect for Beginners

online business ideas for beginners

So you have decided to become an entrepreneur, congratulations! The first step to fulfilling this goal is to have the enthusiasm to learn as much as you can about the tricks of the trade.  

Always remember: the early days of running a business will always be some of the hardest. Be reminded of the success stories of some of the most successful entrepreneurs today, from Sara Blakely of Spanx to Steve Jobs of Apple. They all had to face multiple rejections before hitting it big. Trust the process.

Here, we share some ideas you can dab your toes into as you swim through the murky waters of entrepreneurship.

10 Online Business Ideas for Beginners

1. Be a reseller.

This may be one of the most obvious business choices you can start online. As businesses are forced to rely heavily on online marketing, many medium to large enterprises have relied on resellers to move their products. Most of the time, beauty companies, from cosmetics, to skincare, would ask trusted customers to be distributors of their products in their respective neighborhoods. Check some of your favorite local brands if they offer reselling programs. Resellers usually get a commission for every purchased item through them.

2. Sell Ukay-ukay items.

This may be another way of being a reseller, without much capital. You just have to have a good eye for style. As a seller of ukay-ukay items, you can capitalize on the growing movement and appreciation for vintage items. To start, perhaps you can focus on a specific style. Do you want to resell street fashion items? Officewear? Or have a collection purely focused on denim? Having such guides will make you more efficient when checking items in ukay ukay stores. Once you know, you can start shopping and posting your items online. 

online business ideas for beginners

3. Be an accessories maker.

For a few thousand pesos, you can purchase specialized tools needed to create homemade accessories. Browse for inspiration online so you can check what kinds of style you may want your accessories to evoke. May that be beaded bracelets, or dainty dangled earrings, you can set up an accessories shop in no time.

4. Share your art.

There are many ways you can monetize your art. Perhaps you enjoy drawing, or you like creating digital collages. Focus on a specific style and theme and you can create a following from the art you make. To give you ideas, some artists have focused solely on creating art based on pop culture. They then create merchandise out of them, from posters to T-shirts. Brainstorm on what kind of art you enjoy making the most, and you can see from there on what you find can be the most profitable.

5. Flip furniture.

Search “refurbished furniture” online, and you’ll see thousands of content, usually, from US-based influencers. If you don’t mind getting your hands dirty, this can be a profitable venture. You just have to have a keen eye on scoring vintage furniture that can still be upgraded, or remodeled with an updated look. Online, there are hundreds of postings on either Carousell or Facebook Marketplace for such items. Once you have them remodeled, you can definitely resell the items for a higher price.

online business ideas for beginners

6. Sell your favorite artists’ merchandise.

If you are a fan of any KPop artist, chances are you, you know how many of them special merchandise drops. If you’ve been itching to purchase their merchandise, why not ask your fellow fans to buy them with you, and sell it to them at mark-up price? This way, you get to recoup the shipping fee for the items you’ve been itching to have, at the same time, earning a few bucks in the process. Win-win!

7. Sell specialized home items.

Perhaps the quarantine has led you to be a homemaker. If you have become one, you’d know there’s been a growing market for specialized home items, from furnishings to furniture. Check out Dapitan Market, or even Quiapo market, and perhaps you can see some items that will definitely catch the eye of your fellow homemakers online that can let you set up an online store.

online business ideas for beginners

8. Be your neighborhood baker.  

Have you been baking during quarantine? Maybe you have a mastered a dish or two, that you are confident enough it’s good to be shared to strangers. Give a taste test to friends and family, iterate your selection, and perhaps you can launch an online bakery. There are multiple sources online that can help you find the best recipe for the baked good you want to offer. And with the holidays coming up, many will be looking for pastries they can give as gifts. It’s the perfect time to bake.

9. Be a social media specialist.

Did you know that you can actually earn while spending time on social media? If you have had the chance to manage social media pages of brands, or even small businesses, you can sell that service to others for a price. These days, most companies would need a social media presence to remain relevant. Sign up for an account on sites like Freelance and Upwork, and you’ll find a lot of businesses, usually outside of the Philippines, who are looking for such services.

10. Be a YouTuber.

Now, this is a venture that will take some time to grow. But if you find a topic and build content consistently around it, there is some big money to make through YouTube. Make a list of your interests and check if there is a specific topic that you are passionate about. From there, you can start creating videos, timeless ones, that you know will generate views at any time. These can be how-to videos, or explainers on topics that people usually search for.


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Source: Female Network

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