What to Do When You Feel Like You're Not Growing in Your Career

Have you ever felt stuck in your career? Are you going through a quarter-life crisis and rethinking your big life decisions—especially those that led you to the industry you are in now?

A stagnant career can be incredibly frustrating. Whether you are employed or in between jobs, it is definitely reasonable for you to seek growth. The good news? Career growth is not as distant as you think it is. With the following helpful habits, you can definitely boost your professional life.

1. Know yourself

Getting to know yourself more is the first step for any kind of growth. The reason is obvious: You will bloom when you are in the right kind of environment for you, doing the things you are meant to be doing. If you do not know what you want or where you are skilled at, you will have a challenging time figuring out what your priorities should be. Having some self-awareness helps you figure out your long-term career mission. This will prevent you from not knowing where you are headed.

Knowing yourself also helps you with your growth as an employee. When it comes to productivity, there is no one-size-fits-all method. Maybe you feel stuck at work because you are not enjoying your job. Or, maybe you are having a hard time doing your tasks because your boss does not understand your work style. Maybe you are forcing yourself to be a to-do list kind of person. You do not have to impose generic productivity hacks on yourself when they do not work for you. Focus on how you stay disciplined and you will find yourself growing in your career in no time.

2. Actively seek opportunities

A promotion may not come as easy and fast as you want it to be, but you can always find ways to grow—even without the change of title. If you feel like you are getting too comfortable in your job, step up. Ask for opportunities to learn more.

Another way to seek opportunities is to solve the problems you see in your workplace before you even complain to your boss. Train yourself to be an active participant in your office. This will more likely drive a sense of fulfillment in you. Even if you are not in a position to solve a problem, it will be helpful for you to think of solutions. Think of this habit as a practice for your problem-solving skills. Having good problem-solving skills will come in handy, not only in your current job, but also as you progress to higher positions.

3. Prioritize rest and recreation

Prevent burning out and establish a time management routine that works for you so that you can balance work and rest. For many people, a 15-minute quiet time at the start of their day works wonders. Others would rather journal at night to keep themselves sane. Again, this is all up to you—as long as you practice seeing rest as an essential part of your everyday life. Needless to say, when you keep yourself well-rested, you are taking care of your health. When you are healthy, you are more productive.

Aside from this, it is also important to find your identity outside of work. Having a job does not mean you have to forget the other things you are passionate about. Developing your skills and interests actually grow your personal brand, which is also helpful in the workforce.

There are several ways to grow your career, but the aforementioned habits are especially important for you to thrive in your industry. 


This article originally appeared on JobStreet.com. Minor edits have been implemented by the Femalenetwork.com editors. Read the full story here.

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Source: Female Network

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