Here's the Best Way to Fold Your Jeans for More Closet Space

I'm obsessed with jeans. I have a set of denim pants in a drawer, and I have several piles in my closet. More often than not, I have a hard time finding the pair I want to wear on a certain day. I end up with a hill of clothes on my bed after dressing up. Plus, denim is bulky! My storage space is crying for help.

So, I was thankful my IG algorithm showed this genius video of @makelifesimpler_! It taught the three ways to fold jeans: two for shelf storage and one for drawers. (This could also be useful when you pack your denim pants in your luggage. Travel, when?)

I had to watch the video multiple times to finally get the technique, and it's safe to say, my jean closet looks organized. It doesn't look bursting anymore. Check out the video below to change your life!

Watch to learn how to fold your jeans for more storage space below:



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Source: Female Network

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